Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mission Statement

New World Imaging Comics is owned and operated by Laurence DuCheny all rights reserved 2009.

Established in 2005, this company began with the hopes and dreams of a man passionately inflamed with ardor for comic books and the art of making them. His love for drawing is matched with his desire to write. Inspired by mainstream comics, he is a fanboy himself, he creates stories and characters for the average fan-boy. Laurence is the writer, artist, and character developer extraordinaire. New World Imaging Comics is a small press, independent comic book company, with goals to reach fans at their core and not at their wallets. New World Imaging Comics is currently looking for other talented writers, artists, creators, etc. to be featured in periodical comic books , while keeping their rights and ownership to their creations. The goal of N.W.I.C. is to become a mainstay for like-minded artists with the ability, desire, and commitment to making comics PEOPLE want to READ. New World Imaging is the movement. Laurence DuCheny is just the man behind the idea. What we need are more people to understand and relate to this project.

For more info or questions contact us at:
Order 'Team Zero' # 1 at:
Get to know the artist at:

Thank You,
Laurence DuCheny

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Self-Publishing Update II

As far as quality goes I have picked Comixpress hands down. Their books are more true to comic book quality. The paper they use is true to what you get in stores. Ka-Blam wins the award for speed and efficiency though. They have already listed my book on I'm still waiting for Comixpress to list my book on their shop. It has been about a month now with no response. Heroes Press was reliable as well, however I was not pleased with the paper used to print my book. It was quite bland and resembled card stock copy paper. Overall Comixpress wins for printed book quality. And Ka-Blam is a close second with their speed, reliability, and efficiency. Give them all a try and see for yourself!